Recycled / Reclaimed Wooden Furniture / Doors & Windows
We can be Environment Friendly as much as possible, so instead of using Fresh Wood, we Reclaim Old Wood and Recycle it.
Recycled / Reclaimed Wooden Furniture / Doors & Windows
Eco-Restoration of a Water Body
Flood Management in Chennai
First Time Dream Home Construction
Should I Rebuild or Renovate my Building?
Grey Water Treatment
Water Testing on an old house Terrace, post Water Proofing
Beach Bungalow in ECR
Transformation of Madras into Chennai
How can we make Demolition as Eco-Friendly as possible
Water as Leverage
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Twin Stacked Residence in Mandaveli
Waterproofing - an important aspect for Long Life of Buildings
Green Architecture
Quality an Integral Part
Architecture is an Investment
Compact Eco-Friendly House